'Vincent Sheppard' 'Henderson Russell' 'Gascoigne Designs' 'John Sankey' 'Tetrad' 'Legacy'
'Andrew Martin' 'Content by Conran' 'Flos Lighting' 'Home Page' 'Introduction Page'

Flos Lighting for the best in lamps and lighting

             is an internationally renowned company based in Italy. They have an enviable reputation for innovation and flair, and cater for commercial lighting as well as domestic - some of their larger fittings are breathtakingly dramatic. However, they apply the same creative instincts to all their ranges - and quality, innovation and style are all hallmarks of Flos Lighting.

The Gallery shown here is only part of the full range of styles available.

To see them all on the Flos website click HERE - but be sure to return here for the keenest prices!

Archimoon Archimoon Arco Cicatrices Fucsia New Wall Sarfatti

Use your mouse pointer to scroll along the Gallery - click on an image to enlarge it.        

'Vincent Sheppard' 'Henderson Russell' 'Gascoigne Designs' 'John Sankey' 'Tetrad'
'Legacy' 'Andrew Martin' 'Content by Conran' 'Flos Lighting'